Welcome to The Baton
September 2022 - News Letter
Term dates
Music director
You will all now have received the sad news that Nigel has had to resign with immediate effect due to serious health issues. We all send our very best wishes to him and hope he makes a speedy recovery. In the meantime, Charlotte is again holding the fort with the Seniors and with Jayne continuing to lead the Intermediate Orchestra. We are indebted to them both for their support.
Diary sheets
Some of you may remember we used to have a Diary Sheet available at senior rehearsals so that you could put your name down if you were unable to attend a particular rehearsal. That system has now been reinstated, so if you know in advance of your absence, then please put your name down in the appropriate box. This will give the music staff a better idea of how to plan which music to rehearse.
Man with a van!
Do any parents, or know of anyone who does, have a medium/large van available on Concert days to help us move our equipment to the Town Hall. The van which we have used for years, courtesy of Trustee Steve Frost, has unfortunately died after many years of service. Can anyone help please?
Volunteers to help with loading up and setting up in the Town Hall, along with returning equipment to Trinity at the end of Concerts would also be very much appreciated. Many hands make light work!
Don't forget to smile!
This logo will be familiar to many parents if making purchases on Amazon, CYO has been hit quite hard financially since lockdown for various reasons. The Trustees have been anxious to keep fees at the same rate but with no concert income they have decided to look at ways in which we can generate income. So when ordering goods on Amazon, if you click on the AmazonSmile logo and choose Congleton Youth Orchestra as your chosen charity we then benefit financially. The more you order the more we get ! We hope you will feel able to support our organisation in this way.
We are a registered charity therefore please use our registration number: 1071130 when signing up with smile.
Registered Charity: 1071130
New trustees
We are delighted to announce that George Emmett who was previously on our Advisory Panel has now agreed to become a Trustee, replacing Louis Crossley who is stepping down at the AGM after many years of service. We have also been successful in recruiting a new Treasurer, Mrs. Elaine Mallett, who will replace another long serving Trustee, Mrs. Sylvia Bailey. We would take this opportunity of thanking both Louis and Sylvia for their valuable contributions to the successful running of the Orchestra and hope they both enjoy their retirement.
Annual general meeting
This will take place on Saturday 5th November at 11:00 am in the Nelson Room at Trinity Methodist Church. We hope to revert to zoom/hybrid AGM’s once our Constitution has been amended at this meeting as many parents seemed to find this more convenient. Nominations are invited from parents who wish to join our Advisory Panel (replacing George) as a Parent Representative, and nominations are also invited from musicians (16 or over) to become an Orchestral Representative. Nominations should be with the Secretary no later than 15th October. An election will need to be held if there are more nominations than places to fill.
Concert dates 2022
Saturday 10th December 2022 - Town Hall, Congleton
Saturday 17th December 2022 - Christmas Party at Trinity
Saturday 25th March 2023 - Town Hall, Congleton