Welcome back to onsite rehearsals - May 2021
Senior Orchestra - is back with a smile!
Ben Kearsley, Musical Director and Senior Orchestra Conductor was very impressed with members sight reading and thrilled to be conducting in person again!
Well done Senior Orchestra for a great first physical rehearsal for 2021.
9 members enjoyed their first on-site rehearsal with the Seniors, having moved up from the Intermediates during lockdown. Great job!
Intermediate Orchestra - Happy to to be back!
It was so lovely to welcome our Intermediate members back to rehearsals on Saturday 15th May after over a year Zooming due to Covid lockdown restrictions.
Many new members, who joined Zoom rehearsals, played confidently in their first on-site sessions.
Press release!
Thank you to our Tutors who have worked very hard to provide Zoom rehearsals for over 12 months, but are ecstatic to back!